Presenting phyto and brush in bagImprove skin from the inside and out!  The new kit from Sublime Beauty® includes a Skin Brush and natural Phytoceramides for a 1-2 punch.

    Many are discovering healthy Skin Brushing, and Sublime Beauty® has introduced thousands to the practice. Not only does Skin Brushing exfoliate dead cells and toxins from the skin (our largest organ of elimination), but it boosts circulation, aids the lymphatic system, improves tone, reduces cellulite and helps mood!

    Natural Phytoceramides replenish ceramides in the skin at the cellular level. Ceramides make up 40% of skin when we are younger, but diminish with age. This, along with diminishment of Collagen, makes skin dryer, wrinkled and thinner. Ceramides plump skin, are responsible for moisture-content and also the important barrier protection.

    As ceramides make their way to the skin’s surface (a continual journey), exfoliation helps move the old cells out to make room for the new.

    Phyto and Skin Brush out of pouch closeup on whiteKathy Heshelow (founder of Sublime Beauty® wrote a book about Phytoceramides to help inform and educate. It is available on Amazon.

    The company has full websites devoted to Skin Brushing as well as Phytoceramides!

    Try the new kit today, available at SublimeBeautyShop or Amazon!

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