Many of us travel each year… some are on the move weekly for business travel, others like to travel frequently for pleasure or to see family. Yet others make the annual holiday trip to family at Thanksgiving or Christmas, or for the summer break.
Staying healthy while traveling is essential, but not always easy.
Sublime Beauty is a big fan and advocate for Skin Brushing, which helps our well-being on many levels. Skin Brushing clears toxins and dead cells from the skin, our largest organ of elimination. Skin Brushing helps move the blood for better circulation, which delivers nutrients throughout the body and helps in many ways. It also helps move the Lymphatic system, which can in turn assist the immune and digestive systems. Skin Brushing is a stress-buster too! And it does much more.
Typically one uses a long-handled brush for daily Body Brushing. But that is harder to pack. We introduced a small yet effective Travel Skin Brush with handly pull-string pouch that can go anywhere with you easily!
Here is more information about the new Travel Skin Brush, and why it makes sense to keep up daily brushing when away!