We love aloe at Sublime Beauty. It is known as the “Plant of Immortality” and is found in many of our serums, creams and even our natural body oil!

    Aloe 1000 pixelsAloe gel contains over 75 different nutrients including vitamins, minerals, enzymes, sugars, anthraquinones or phenolic compounds, lignin, saponins, sterols, amino acids and even salicylic acid. It is high in vitamins C and E, making it a good antiaging compound for the skin.

    Also also contains two hormones, Auxin and Gibberellins, which provide anti-inflammatory and healing benefits.  Gibberellins can actually stimulate the growth of new cells, allowing the skin to heal and replenish itself naturally.  (This is partially why it is used for healing burns.)

    Collagen Booster 

    We lose collagen in our skin as we age. While we cannot add collagen itself back through skin care products, increasing the body’s production of collagen is an effective way to restore a youthful look to the facial skin (and this is behind MANY of the Sublime Beauty products.) This collagen boosting property of aloe – while not as robust as with the peptide Matrixyl for instance – is very likely why aloe is so effective Relax at home in white 50s 1000in improving skin quality, reducing wrinkles and even minimizing stretch marks.

    This very collagen boosting property is one of the reasons it may make sense to drink Aloe! 

    Shannon Farrell at The Daily Makeover wrote an interesting article today: Why You Should Be Drinking Aloe Vera.  There are benefits not only topically for skin, but on the inside of our body too.  Take a read – and we were quoted!

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