Summer is here, and skin will be exposed to sun, the elements and accumulate grime. Keep it in shape, refreshed and nurtured. “Using our spa-quality mask couldn’t be any easier,” says Kathy Heshelow, founder of Sublime Beauty. “Just 10 to 15 minutes per week will help restore skin. I use it on Saturday mornings myself. […]
Continue Reading... Comments Off on KEEP SUMMER SKIN IN TIP-TOP SHAPE WITH THE COLLAGEN ANTIOXIDANT MASKMen and women can treat their faces to a holiday over the Labor Day weekend with our luxurious anti-oxidant mask from Sublime Beauty®. The mask is 30-percent off from Friday through Monday, September 2nd. “Everyone needs a little boost,” says Kathy Heshelow, founder of Sublime Beauty®. “Our mask deeply moisturizes with many beneficial ingredients, heals, […]
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